Global Jungle News
Note–These links will take you to 3rd party websites
Politico: America’s Poverty Is Built by Design
CBS News: One study said happiness peaked at $75,000 in income. Now, economists say it’s higher — by a lot.
CNN: The man who almost destroyed the planet (twice)
Associated Press: Is Singapore producing the food of the future?
Deutche Welle: German supply chain law gives human rights a voice
CNN: “As climate chaos accelerates, which countries are polluting the most?”
ABC News: “US no longer in top 20 of world’s happiest countries and is now behind Kuwait, Lithuania, UAE”
Scientific American: “Humans have crossed 6 of 9 planetary boundaries”
NBC News: “The new class war– A wealth gap between millennials”
ABC News: “California becomes first state to offer health insurance to all undocumented immigrants”
ABC News: “Zombies: Ranks of world’s most debt-hobbled companies soaring, not all will survive”
Deutche Welle: “Fast fashion–France seeks to slow down wasteful industry”
An example of the global costs of Predatory Well-Being… CNN: “These cities are now so expensive they’re considered ‘impossibly unaffordable’”
Scientific American: “Teens Are Spreading Deepfake Nudes of One Another. It’s No Joke”
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